The Masked Writer

Gabriel Kaviri
4 min readAug 16, 2021

I am going to say this right now and upfront. I like my privacy.

Privacy seems like a huge problem with people because they do not want to pay you anything unless they control your data and your labor. You might think I am talking about big corporate execs. Maybe you think I am talking about the government. You probably think that I'm talking about a giant network of elites who aim to take over. Well it will come toy our surprise I am talking about NONE OF THEM.

I have some experiences that I think EVERYONE needs to know about. So if you are on this post of mines, share this with EVERYONE you can.

Pollution is what is driving mental health problems which in turn promote pointlessly malicious behavior.

^^^ reread this 5 times.

^^^ now reread this 10 times fast

I spent a lot of time investigating this problem to get to the root of the problem. And guess what the problem is?


Asphyxiation is the true root of all evil.

I spent so much time trying to figure out how to document my observations, yet everything I've truly witnessed and experienced will not be believed.

Let me define “belief” for you.

Belief - someone or something that is valued there for it is cherished, kept and protected.

(note, this definition may not be in the local dictionary but its %100 observable.)

Therefore someone's system of belief is a system of protecting what is valued. If its not obvious, this is reflected in the concept of a security system. And what do people protect and value the most? This should be painfully obviously to you. You might think you know what it is while you list of all the valuable things in your life.

But the truth is, people only value one thing.

Their own minds.

The most healthiest mind is the only winner there ever has been and is the only winner that there will ever be. The only thing people look for is evidence of your mental health. This is the value that is being extracted, sought after and hunted for. This is the only intellectual property there really is.

You can have all the experience in the world or you can have zero experience. If someone even gets a hint of you not being mentally suitable for a task. You are counted out immediately.

Mental discrimination is here and all of your data is being used to judge if your mentally healthy enough for value to be extracted and stored for later use. This is not a theory, this is exactly what is going on 24/7 365. There is always someone looking for how unhealthy your mind is. This is because science can only prove what is wrong and never what is right.

But what if I told you that a “mind” is only an image. The mind is made up of ideas. A mind without an idea is no mind at all. Therefore the mind is an only an image. So then what is mental health but an healthy image?

That is my message for you, your only goal you should have in life is maintaining a healthy image. People fear that this might be fake, but they only call it fake if their own image doesn't improve after indulging in your image.


The internet was built to be a brain buffet and the builders of the internet unknowingly created a system that feeds the gremlins 24/7. The mental gremlins demand free food and want you to pay all the cost.

In the end overwhelming pollution is what gets produced

If you want the ultimate crash course on what kind of market we have been dealing with and what we will be dealing with in the future. There are two special courses that you need to take right now!

The first course is Gremlins this gives you the basics on how international trade effects a small town.

The second course is naturally named Gremlins 2 This movie gives you a model for what happens when the residual effects hit a big city.

I encourage you to watch these with undivided attention because they teach you what all marketers warn about concerning ideas. It is also a perfect explanation of murphy’s law “ what can go wrong, will”. It also shows you what happens when you build it, and they come. They do not come to do anything you planned it to be.

These two courses is what the new age of marketers really need. If you have not build your wealth in such a manner that prepares you for the gremlin effect. Then it does not matter how much money you have.



Gabriel Kaviri

Gabriel Kaviri began writing and his writing continues